
COVID update December 2020

North East 250 Covid restrictions, COVID update December 2020

Now, just as we thought things were easing England have announced a month-long lockdown and Scotland have now introduced a five-tier system. At this time, if you are travelling from England we do advise you to not to travel to Scotland. This is what is advised by the government and to not go to your second homes.

If you are in Scotland and want to complete the NE250 then we do recommend checking the business is open and also what tier.

The tier system may seem confusing but we are writing this to help and make it easier to understand.

As per government website COVID protection levels (sometimes known as tiers) set out measures that can be applied nationally or locally depending on the prevalence of the virus across Scotland.

Each area has a COVID protection level. There are 5 different levels starting from 0 to 4. The lowest level is 0 and the highest level is 4.

The system will help you to understand protections that have been introduced, as well as showing how and when they may be lifted.

This system was introduced on 2 November. Details of the levels applied to each part of the country were set out on 29 October 2020.

Levels will be reviewed on a regular basis.

Protection Level 0

If you are protection level 0 the rules for socialising are as follows;

You can meet people from outside your household indoors in your home or someone else’s home.
The maximum number of people who can meet indoors is 8 which can be from up to 3 separate households.

You can meet people from other households outdoors in a private garden or in a public place such as a park or an outdoor area of a pub. The maximum number of people who can meet outdoors is 15 which can be from up to 5 separate households.

If you are meeting from another household in their garden and the gathering exceeds 8 people you should only go into their house to use the bathroom and access to the garden.

The maximum number of people who can meet outdoors in a restaurant, café, pub or bar is 15 which can be from up to 5 separate households.

The maximum number of people who can meet indoors in a restaurant, café, pub or bar is 8 which can be from up to 3 separate households.

Protection Level 1

You should not meet anyone who is not in your household indoors in your home or in their home. You can meet another household indoors in a public place such as a café or restaurant. The maximum number of people who can meet indoors in a public (not a home) place are 6 which can be from up to 2 separate households.

Where an individual household includes more than 6 people, they can nevertheless meet as a single household even if the total number of people exceeds 6.

You can meet people from other households outdoors in a private garden or in a public place such as a park or an outdoor area of a pub. The maximum number of people who can meet outdoors is 6 which can be from up to 2 separate households.

Restaurants, cafes, pubs and bars can open indoors and outdoors for the consumption of food and alcoholic drinks in line with licensing rules. Last entry is 21:30 and all venues must be closed and all customers off the premises by 22:30

Protection level (tier) 2

You should not meet anyone who is not in your household indoors in your home or in their home. You can meet another household indoors in a public place such as a café or restaurant. The maximum number of people who can meet indoors in a public (not a home) place is 6 which can be from up to 2 separate households.
You can meet people from other households outdoors in a private garden or in a public place such as a park or an outdoor area of a pub. The maximum number of people who can meet outdoors is 6 which can be from up to 2 separate households.

Restaurants, cafes, pubs and bars can open indoors for the consumption of food and non alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks can only be served with the purchase of a main meal. Last entry is 19:00 and all venues must be closed and all customers off the premises by 20:00

Restaurants, cafes, pubs and bars can open outdoors for the consumption of food and alcoholic drinks. Last entry is 21:30 and all venues must be closed and all customers off the premises by 22:30.

Protection level (tier) 3

You should not meet anyone who is not in your household indoors in your home or in their home. You can meet another household indoors in a public place such as a café or restaurant. The maximum number of people who can meet indoors in a public (not a home) place is 6 which can be from up to 2 separate households.

Where an individual household includes more than 6 people, they can nevertheless meet as a single household even if the total number of people exceeds 6.

You can meet people from other households outdoors in a private garden or in a public place such as a park or an outdoor area of a pub. The maximum number of people who can meet outdoors is 6 which can be from up to 2 separate households.

Protection level (tier) 4

You should not meet anyone who is not in your household indoors in your home or in their home. You can meet another household indoors in a public place. The maximum number of people who can meet indoors in a public (not a home) place is 6 which can be from up to 2 separate households.

You can meet people from other households outdoors in a private garden or in a public place such as a park. The maximum number of people who can meet outdoors is 6 which can be from up to 2 separate households.

Restaurants, cafes, pubs and bars will be closed. Takeaways can still operate as normal, provided food and drink is sold for consumption off premises. Face coverings and
physical distancing rules must be followed.

Hotels and other accommodation providers can still serve food to qualifying guests i.e. key or exempt workers, staying in their premises up to 22:00. Room service, including alcohol, is allowed as normal.

Now we know a little more about different tiers (as taken from Gov.com Website) the important part is the travel around Scotland.

Travelling Around Scotland

If you live in a Level 4 local authority area you should:

  • avoid any unnecessary travel out of the area
  • also keep journeys within the area to an absolute minimum
  • if you have to travel for essential purposes, follow the guidance on travelling safely below
  • If you live in a Level 3 local authority area you should:
  • avoid any unnecessary travel out of the area
  • if you have to travel for essential purposes, follow the guidance on travelling safely below
  • If you live in a Level 0, 1, or 2 area in Scotland, or are considering travel to Scotland from anywhere else, you should:
  • minimise unnecessary journeys between areas in different levels
  • and avoid any unnecessary travel to places in Level 3 or Level 4 areas
  • if you have to travel for essential purposes, follow the guidance on travelling safely.
  • This being said, if you are in level 3 and level 4 stick to the necessary restrictions, however, you can still support NE250 businesses with the use of takeaway in restaurants etc.

Our businesses on the NE250 will always adapt and conform to the necessary requirements as implemented by the government.

We hope you are all safe and well at this time.

The NE250 Team

Emily Rose

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